His grip loosened on his sword. He had never realized just how many clans there were in the world. This battle royale was going to be incredibly huge. How they managed to get a dueling field covering an area large enough to comfortably contain the battle overnight was a feat in and of itself, the presence of magic here was very noticeable, and the smell of it was almost overpowering.
Click smiled to himself. He and his team definitely had an advantage in this battle. While their clan wasn't particularly good at casting spells themselves, they could smell magic. A spell's power, how powerful a caster they were facing, even different types of magic, all could be told by a sniff or three. His team could even absorb some spells and use them as they wished within a short amount of time. Yeah, this was going to be a good battle, click thought.
He grabbed his sheath and started thumbing his sword, making it rise and fall in its case; he was getting impatient. All this magic here, and he could only smell it, he wanted to taste every single kind of magic out there with his blade.
The time was near. He could tell.
Unlike most other casters, he was actually quite proficient with weaponry, which was another reason why he felt so calm and cool as more teams of casters started showing themselves as they prepared for the battle.
"Too bad we only get to fight until half of us are downed," Kots, one of his team members, said.
"Yeah, but you know, we'll get to fight everyone else in the next section of the tournament," Morgan, the only female in the group, chimed in.
"So how are we goin' about this, boss? Split up and strike when it's most opportune, or stick together?" Kots always wanted to know the plan.
With this many other mages around, it was definitely going to be risky enough as it was to fight, they didn't increase that risk by splitting up; then again, remaining together might make them a larger target, and make them more visible if they tried to sneak around to get someone. "Looks like we'll be sticking together, I don't want you guys going off and making it harder for me to watch out for you guys." When will it be time?
Boom, a fireball went off in the sky, and the battle commenced. "To the right" Click raised his hand, sword drawn, and caught a lightning bolt that came his way from one of the nearby teams. It tasted like lemon poppy seed muffins. He smiled; that was one of his favorite spells to taste...
(hey all, I'll continue with this story tomorrow, I might even throw in a couple of different perspectives, whoa! Oh, of note, I'm going to try and incorporate a lost English word into each story from here on out... not counting today, cuz I forgot. However, there will be a small prize to the first person who can guess the meaning of the word. Not sure what it is yet, but probably something to do with a story ;). OH! The poll is gonna close in 2 days or so, so if you want to put in your vote for your favorite story, now would be the time to do so! Hope you all are doing really well, and I look forward to writing tomorrow! maybe I'll even do a double post, seeing as you all deserve it, and I have the day off ;) Peace! )
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